Hario V60 2 Cup
Hario V60 2 Cup
Method 1
This method uses less coffee, ground a bit coarser, and higher temperature water than Method 2 for a fruity, sweet medium body, balanced cup.
Dosage: 27 grams of ground coffee; 415 mL (415 grams) of hot water
Grind: medium sand (like sugar) (16/40 on a Baratza)
Temp: 15 to 30 seconds off boil (203°-205°)
Pre-Infusion: Make sure the surface is wet (~60mL) and let sit for 35 – 45 seconds
Total Time: No longer than 3 minutes
- Set filter in brewer and rinse with hot water – this pre-heats and rinses the filter and brewer thoroughly
- Place brewer and filter on your cup/vessel and on your scale.
- Tare Scale.
- Load freshly ground coffee into the filter, and shake to level the surface of the coffee.
- Pre-Infuse the grounds with water (60 grams) by pouring into the center and circling outward. Make sure the whole surface is wet. Start timer – counting up or down to 3 minutes. Stir ground vigourusly.
- Allow the coffee to “bloom” for 30 - 45 seconds.
- After 30 – 45 seconds, resume pouring from the center of the grounds out in small circular motions.
- Pour this way slowly until the V60 is ¾ full and keep topping up until total volume (415 mL / g) is reached; then let it drain out and remove brewer from cup / vessel.
Method 2
This method uses more coffee, ground finer, and lower temperature water than Method 1 for a medium / heavy body, sweet and clear, crisp cup
Dosage: 27 grams of ground coffee; 360mL (360 grams) of water
Grind: Fine Sand (12/40 on a Baratza)
Temp: Between 88°(190F) and 92° C (198° F) – about 1 min off boil – I used 195o F
Pre-Infusion: Make sure the surface is wet (~60mL or 60 g) and let sit for 35 seconds
Total Time: 3 Minutes
- Set filter in brewer and rinse with hot water – this pre-heats and rinses the filter and brewer thoroughly
- Place brewer and filter on your cup/vessel and on your scale.
- Tare Scale
- Load freshly ground coffee into the filter, and shake to level the surface of the coffee. Tare scale.
- Pre-Infuse the grounds with water (60 mL / g) by pouring into the center and circling outward. Make sure the whole surface is wet. Start timer – counting up or down to 3 minutes.
- Allow the coffee to “bloom” for 30 seconds.
- After 30 seconds for the pre-infusion resume pouring
- Over 45 seconds, pour an additional 120 mL / g in concentric circles, staying inside the outer edge of the grounds.
- Stop pouring for 20 seconds, then pour the remaining 180 mL / g in 45 seconds (total volume / weight = 360 mL / g)
- Let the mixture drain for the final 35 seconds on the timer, then remove the filter.
- If the grind is correct, the brew will finish just as the timer expires. Grind finer if the coffee drains too quickly, coarser if it drains too slowly.

Hario V60 2 Cup